Reflection and review
Just before Christmas my course had a review of progress, to check on how people where doing and to give feedback. After my review on visual design I decided to redo some of my first final pieces so they where of a better standard and to help me refine my techniques.
Week One finial, one point perspective- the canal
Week 17 revised finial
Looking back on my improvement I can see how I've learnt more then better technique and perspective but I've also learnt better framing and composition. the horizon line is in the right place and it's well drawn. I all ways feel more confident in my work when redo a piece and see improvements because of how critical I am of my drawings and artwork.
Week two, two point perspective- archway finial.
Week 17 revised finial
Again with this revised finial I feel the composition and framing are what make the the image much stronger however in this image I also feel the detail, contrast and how I've put more contrast and detail into the focal point, give it atmosphere. I think this helps lead the viewer into the subject rather then look over the whole image like in my first attempt. However I also feel my perspective and straight line rending is much better too.
Do I get a Gold sticker now? |
because of this my goal is to draw more city scenes in the future and re visit at least 4 final images per term, to help me both improve the imagery and my fundamental skills.
All pencil images are my own work draw from life and in situate.
gold star