Bring (something) into existence.

"She created a thirty-acre lake"


Generate, produce, design, make, fabricate, fashion, manufacture, build, construct.

Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Introductions and First Impressions

Where did all the good games go?

and where are all the god 
tiers, Late at night I toss and I turn And I dream of what I need. 
I need a career.

My name is Freddy Canton, a just about still 19 year old student studying Game Art Design at DMU (or De Montfort University) and it would seem as though my journey through boot camp and my ascension to the cintiq labs has begun. So let me introduce myself by taking you down memory lane...

File:Pokémon box art - Red Version.jpg

November 1999, the millennium bug was a real concern, computers were still not in every home, my copy of land before time was on VHS and game boy colours had just come out. 

A young girl of six is walking around with her mother looking at possible birthday presents; when she spies Pokémon red version in the window of a toy shop. It was the perfect gift and the start to my passion and training as a game artist. 

I remember scrawling until I started drawing so I could imitate these strange new creatures. I vividly remember creating my own and dreaming that one day maybe I could make games, maybe I could design things for them… what if I could design Pokémon?

Of course the idea of working in Game Freak was once Farfetch'd, but after all this time, James Turner, a British graphic designer, currently works at Game Freak. In 2010, my dreams started to feel less distance as he became the first Western person to design Pokémon.

And now, in 2013, I’ve started the next stepping stone across the ocean that is my future. I've hopped onto the Game Art Degree and I'm jumping, falling, reattempting and succeeding crossing from stone to stone.

So this is what my blog will be about, my quirky yet bountiful journey through Game Art Design at DMU.
See you on the other side.

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