Bring (something) into existence.

"She created a thirty-acre lake"


Generate, produce, design, make, fabricate, fashion, manufacture, build, construct.

Saturday, 15 November 2014

Week 3

The Film Room Post Mortem part 1

Now the Project is over, I can present the film room project, a deadly viper assassination squad production.

Our group started by looking into films and rooms we liked, many were colourful, high contrast and busy rooms. We soon realised most would be very challenging.
We created a mood board of the rooms we liked, the rooms we thought were reasonable and the films that had good art direction for us to study.

However it became clear after our first pitch that the rooms we had chosen may have been too busy and too complicated for the short deadline we had.

Our very first moodboard

My revisited moodboard
Our next pitch was in 1 week so we had to get working quickly to find the room that would be colourful, have good lighting and also be simple enough to model in just over 2 weeks!
To get the ball rolling I made the above mood board of films and rooms I liked. I then set off the rest of my group to do the same and cracked the whip so we could decide and get some concepts and white boxing done for our second pitch.

Speed runner
Broken Embraces
My paintovers

We all did over-paints of scenes to decide which were the most effective without people and which still had really good composition after removing actors.

I started with tonal studies to find the scenes with the best lighting and composition, it really helped find the rooms that were boring without colour.

I really like the staircase but we all decided the tent was the most visually appealing to all of the team. 

This was our final mood-board for our second pitch, it shows the back-up rooms including our final choice, the tent from The Royal Tennebaums.

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