Bring (something) into existence.

"She created a thirty-acre lake"


Generate, produce, design, make, fabricate, fashion, manufacture, build, construct.

Tuesday, 5 May 2015

Week 15

The joys of group work.

 First day back and it seems we are back on to group work yet again. I did enjoy the film room project, however 4 weeks on a big part of a working level is something I'm dreading. Not to mention the awkward school like shuffle of finding your friends and people being left out. I was lucky to find a group of people I considered friends, but I really don't feel that the 'choose your own group formula' truly ever works out.

But this is a do or die course so it's time to do. To start with we all formed a mood board of things we wanted and blocked out a rough route of what the level could look like.

After a night of research and some refining I went for a retro Deco hydroponics lab. Luckily someone else was on the same retro vibe and the hydroponics part of our work got put through. My white box and level plan were cut, although that's not the important part to me. My artistic choices were strong, held up and that's what matters.

The colour palette!

 I started by roughing out a white box of my lab using the parts i liked from my mood board. I wasn't great at moving stuff around so after getting an idea for the shape of the room i took it into 2D and played around till was happy.

The room shape will have to change a bit but the idea and the parts inside have all been thumbed up and i'm confident after a paint over of how i think it should look i'll be ready to go for it.

 However for that I needed to take a screen grab to work over, this proved harder then first expected. 3Ds max has some small issues with shaders that I decided made it impractical to use and so this lead me to have to set up and light my white box in unreal.
Max with a usble shader
Unreal Basic lighting

Unreal with the lighting i would use in the room

My paintover/ photo bash

So once i had worked out my idea it was time to refine, a few little bashes later and i had a strong idea to present and show my vision for what this hydroponics lab could look like.

Bring on the presentation I thought, it'll be fine they said, we're not here to shoot you down they said...

... spoilers it wasn't.

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